Edexcel Child Content Mindmap
- Created by: clarissa eddy
- Created on: 15-05-15 14:23
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- Child Psychology
- Key Terms
- Attachment
- Deprivation
- Privation
- Evolution
- Daycare
- Separation Anxiety
- Theories
- Evolutionary Theory of Attachment (Biological)
- Bowlby's Theory of Attachment (Psychodynamic)
- Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis
- Privation research: are effects reversible?
- Reduce negative effects of deprivation and separation
- Strange Situation
- Cross-Cultural attachment
- Research Methods
- Case Studies
- Observations
- Longitudinal
- Cross - Cultural
- Studies
- Curtiss (Genie, 1977)
- Positive Daycare: EPPE (Sylva et al, 2004)
- Negative Daycare: Belsky & Rovine (1988)
- Key Issue and Practical
- Issue of Daycare and its effects on development
- Article summary: Does daycare have positive or negative effects?
- Developmental Issue: Autism
- Extreme Male Brain (EMB)
- Theory of Mind
- Characteristics
- Social and Cognitive developmental effects
- Key Terms
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