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?- Created by: emilyisblue
- Created on: 22-04-15 14:31
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- The Change in the Position of Children
- March to Progress View.
- Believes that over the last few centuries the position of children has changed positively.
- Argue that today children are more valued, better cared for, protected, educated and have better health rights.
- Better healthcare and living standards mean higher chance of survival.
- Laws protect them from harm and explotation.
- Higher living standards and smaller family sizes (5.7 births 1860s- 1.84 births 2006) increase survival chances.
- The Family Has Become Child-Centered.
- Children are the focal point of the family.
- Parents invest a lot of time into their child emotionally and economically.
- Have high aspirations for their children.
- The Conflict View
- Inequalities among children.
- Not all children share the same status or experiences.
- Gender differences - boy are more likely to be able to go out alone before girls. Girls do more do
- Ethnic Differences - Asian parents more likely to be strict.
- Class Differences - Children of laborers more likely to suffer from hyperactivity.
- poor mothers have low birth weight which leads to delayed physical and intellectual development.
- Inequalities between children and adults.
- Prevention from paid work - segregates them and makes them powerless.
- View described as 'child liberationism'
- Argued that it is protection.
- Neglect and Abuse
- In 2006 31,400 were on child protection registers.
- ChildLine receives over 20,000 calls a year from children saying they have been sexually or physically abused.
- Control Over Children's Space and Time.
- Shops display 'no school children ' signs.
- Increasing close surveillance over children in public areas.
- Fears about road safety and stranger danger has led to less independent travel.
- In 1971 Hilman found that 80% of 7-8 yr olds were allowed to go to school with out supervision, this reduced to 9% in 1990s.
- Adults control the daily routine of children.
- Control how fast they grow up as they decide whether a child is 'too young' too participate in a task.
- Control Over Children's Bodies
- Control how they sit and walk. How they dress.
- Control how they are touched, nurtured and disciplined.
- Told how to touch their own bodies - don't pick your nose or touch genitals.
- Control over access to resources.
- Laws exclude them from part-time employment.
- Child benefit goes to the parent not the child.
- 'Pocket money' is restricted.
- Inequalities among children.
- March to Progress View.
- The Future of Childhood
- The Disappearance of Childhood
- The ability to read set apart child and adulthood.
- Created an information hierarchy.
- TV and Tech blurs this hierarchy given children access too information which equalizes their knowledge with adults.
- The ability to read set apart child and adulthood.
- A Separate Childhood Culture
- Lona Opie argues childhood is not disappearing but forming a separate culture.
- Create their own games and culture.
- Globalization of Western Childhood
- Being exported and imposed on the rest of the world.
- A separate life stage based in the nuclear family and school in which children are innocent, dependent and have no economic role.
- Reconstruction of Childhood
- Sue Palmer calls 'toxic childhood - technological and cultural changes have damaged intellectual and emotional development.
- UK youth are at the top of the league tables in obesity, self harm, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and teenage pregnancies.
- Growing similarities with adults leisure activities, fashion and diet.
- The Disappearance of Childhood
- Childhood as a Social Construct
- Modern Western Childhood
- There is a vast contrast between adults and children.
- Regarded as physically and emotionally immature and not competent enough to run their lives.
- Laws regulate what children are allowed, required and restricted to do.
- Their difference is also highlighted with entertainment, clothing and toys.
- Childhood is often referred to a golden age of happiness and innocence.
- However means they are labelled as vulnerable.
- In need of protection and should be quarantined from 'the real world'.
- In a sphere of family, entertainment and education - live lives of pleasure.
- There is a vast contrast between adults and children.
- Cross-Cultural Differences
- In poor countries children are found to work from a young age.
- Samantha Punch: Found that in rural Bolivia children are expected to work by the age of 5.
- Lowell Holmes found that 'too young' was never an excuse not to partake in a task.
- Less value is placed on obedience among the Tikopia of western pacific.
- Sexual activities were tolerated and amused interest in West Pacific Islands.
- In poor countries children are found to work from a young age.
- Historical Differences
- It is argued that 'childhood did not exist' in the middle ages.
- Once they passed the stage of physical dependency they were treated as adults.
- Artwork from the period shows little distinction between children and adults.
- It is argued that 'childhood did not exist' in the middle ages.
- Reasons For Change
- Laws restricting child labour.
- Compulsory schooling.
- Child protection and welfare legislation. E.g. Prevention of Cruelty to Children act.
- The growth in the idea of children's rights.
- Declining family size and lower IMR.
- Increased knowledge in children's health and development.
- Modern Western Childhood
- The Change in the Position of Children