China (Case Study)

  • Created by: highamR15
  • Created on: 25-01-19 19:00
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  • China (Case Study)
    • China is giant and has a large area and population.
    • 10 years
      • Grown very quickly
      • Largest economy
      • Lower middle income country
    • Primary to secondary
      • Recent economic development
      • Global economy
    • Part of the communist world
      • Trade mainly with what was the Soviet Union
      • Countries in Eastern Europe.
    • Secondary sector
      • Half of China's GDP
      • Quarter of the labour force
      • Cheap labour
    • Primary Sector
      • Large number of workers
      • GDP sinking fast in sector
      • Growing urban population
      • Rural population left behind
    • Widening gap
      • City and rural people
      • People lives are different from 10 years ago.
      • Secondary sector creates more money
    • Higher wages and living standerds
      • Architecture in Megacities
        • Shanghai
        • Baijing
      • Crowded with well-dressed people
      • People have money to spend on technology
    • Serious pollution
      • Heavy industry
      • Urban traffic
      • Remains cut off
    • Government
      • Internet is careful controlled to protect the people
      • Few civil liberties


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