Chinese Cinderella
- Created by: crazybanana24
- Created on: 03-06-18 13:39
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- Chinese Cinderella
- 'in my case perhaps the end of school forever'
- this ambiguity at end of first paragraph hooks reader in
- 'a possible typhoon the next day'
- pathetic fallacy: meeting her family? Also juxtaposes monotony of monopoly game
- Also thinking about the weather shows how bored she is
- commas in line 14 show panicking thoughts
- 'quiet and cool' - how her house is described
- metaphorically describing lack of love from her family: no warmth
- no one is around for her arrival: shows separation
- father's relaxedness juxtaposes her panic
- rhetorical questions in line 36 show lack of trust, no closeness
- 'Sit down! Sit down!'
- repetition of imperatives shows his authority and manner
- 'I only had to stretch out my hand to reach the stars'
- hyperbolic shows how overwhelmingly happy she is
- 'As long as he will let me go'
- she wants to escape from her father: no personal ties or connections with her family
- 'Is it possible? Am I dreaming? Me, the winner?
- rhetorical questions show how important her achievement is to her
- 'I do believe you have potential.'
- sounds very business-like, as if in a meeting. Displays lack of closeness
- 'Agreed? Of course I agreed.'
- answers her own question, showing it is not allowed for her to refuse.
- 'in my case perhaps the end of school forever'
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