Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Yen Mah
- Created by: RandomEpicness
- Created on: 13-06-20 12:21
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- 'THE RADIO WARNED OF A POSSIBLE TYPHOON THE NEXT DAY'- pathetic fallacy. Weather is uncertain and possibly threatening, reflecting how Mah feels about the future/thoughts of the future.
- 'HOLY OF HOLIES'- Metaphorical term gives impression of the study as being a place usually off limits to Mah. Suggests a sacred place only accessed by priests.
- 'WHY?'- Rhetorical question shows Mah searching for explanation, further emphasising the shock she feels at being invited to her father's study.
- 'ME, THE WINNER?'- Series of rhetorical questions show her immediate reaction- doesn't speak out- all reaction here is internal.
- 'I ONLY HAD TO STRETCH MY HAND TO REACH THE STARS'- hyperbole expresses how the happiness of the moment transports her far from usual experience.
- 'HOW COME YOU WON'- (italics on 'you'). Italics suggest his surprise at her winning.
- 'YOU WILL GO TO ENGLAND...YOU WILL GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL...YOU WILL SPECIALISE IN OBSTETRICS....YOU WILL LEARN TO DELIVER THEIR BABIES.' Repetition of 'will' makes it definite and decided, no option to question decision.
- 'DON'T U AGREE?'- Comes across as domineering and expects her to agree.
- 'IS THIS A GIANT RUSE ON HIS PART TO TRICK ME? DARE I LET MY GUARD DOWN.'- Mah still expects hostility from her father. Rhetorical question.
- 'YOUR CHAUFFEUR;- indicates wealth of family, but also how no member comes themselves.
- 'FULL OF FOREBODING...WONDERING WHO HAD DIED THIS TIME'- 'foreboding' suggets Mah's relationsihp with her family. This quote suggests the type of circumstances she is usually called home for.
- 'THE CHAUFFEUR REPLIED RUDELY'- no respect or sympathy even tho she is part of the family he works for.
- 'YOUR PARENTS MOVED HERE A FEW MONTHS AGO'- Shows how detached Mah is, and how there is a lack of communication between her and her family.
- Mah's siblings were 'SUNBATHING BY THE POOL'- this suggests the difference and contrast between the lifestyles of her and her siblings.
- 'HAPPY MOOD'- Description of father is very different to expectation.
- 'PLEASED TO TELL HIM YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER'- Father reveals his reason for good mood- because he could look good in front of others.
- 'THERE WERE NO OTHER COMPETITORS'- When Mah finally speaks it, it is in direct question from her father. Self-depreciating and does not convey the joy she felt inside. She is guarded.
- ''WRITER' HE SCOFFED'- immediately dismisses her mockingly.
- ''BLISS WAS IT IN THAT DAWN TO BE ALIVE'- Mah is not push off by her father's attitude. Excitement. Thoughts are far away as she thinks of poetry.
- Mood shifts as Mah enters the study and father appears much happier and relaxed than anticipated. First unexpected detail, and it foreshadows unexpected news of Mah's win in competition.
- Report contains more words of direct praise for her achievement than are spoken by her father. News of her win is conveyed through newspaper report.
- Extract ends with Mah's mood changed, completely from unhappy dread about future to exhilaration and excitement about going to university.
- Direct speech to convey relationships and characters
- Use of rhetorical questions to convey inner feelings.
- Use of first person for a personal memoir
- Use of hyperbole to express emotion
- Short sentences to convey surprise and excitement
- Pathetic fallacy to create mood of foreboding
- Punctuation to convey surprise and excitement
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