CLA: Grammatical Change 1

  • Created by: niamhkm08
  • Created on: 11-03-21 17:51
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    • Syntax and MLU (Mean Length of Utterance)
      • Syntax = word order
      • Syntax in terms of child language refers to putting words together into patterns and seeing how the child develops an understanding of how word order can control meanings.
        • As children get older, they produce longer and more complicated utterances.
      • MLU is a term used to analyse a child's grammatical development.
        • To calculate MLU:
          • 1. Add up all free bound morphemes in the utterance
          • 2. Highest number of morphemes = the more developed the child's language is
    • 1. Pre-Verbal/ 'Fuzzy Area'
      • During the babbling stage, CVCV structures can begin to sound like words.
      • Proto-words are sounds that sound like words but aren't related to object referents.
        • Steven Pinker, e.g. 'oggie' could mean 'dog' but would have to be applied consistently to make it a clear words.
      • Steven Pinker (AO2): 'A word is a stretch of sound that expresses a concept'.
    • 2. One word/ Holophrastic stage
      • There is no syntax present as the child only communicates using single words.
      • The first words formed tend to fall into similar categories
        • Katherine Nelson labelled these as:
          • 1. NAMING (nouns) - e.g. socks, mummy, cat
          • 2. ACTION (verbs) - e.g. poo, eat, cuddle
          • 3. SOCIAL - e.g. hello, yes
          • 4. MODIFYING (determiners/adjectives) - e.g. more, hot, two
      • 60% of children's first words tend to be nouns.
      • These words can be holophrases where one word stands for a whole phrase and it's up to the adult to speculate the context.
      • Gestalt phrases are often used in this stage - two words that the child has 'chunked' together after hearing them around that they can't yet segment, e.g. 'allgone'.
    • 3. Two word stage (18 months)
      • Holographic utterances will still be used.
      • The two words will generally have accurate syntax and follow one of the following forms as noted by Roger Brown (AO2):
        • Doer + action (subject & verb) - e.g. 'I eat'
        • Action + undergoer (verb & object) - e.g. 'drink juice'.
      • Children will try and imitate adults speech during this stage and although they may not succeed, word order will be correct.
        • According to Bloom (1973), 2 word utterances indicate:
          • Possession - e.g. 'mummy car'
          • Performing an action - e.g. 'adam run'
          • Explaining location - e.g. 'biscuit cupboard'
          • Desire - e.g. 'me drink'
      • George Braine (AO2) noted that during the two-word stage, patterns of children's two word utterances seems to revolve around certain keywords - 'pivot words' that are combined with 'open words' - less frequent but more varied.


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