C.L.A. Key Terms
- Created by: Serenmurphyy
- Created on: 10-11-23 11:22
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- C.L.A. Key Terms
- Proto Words (Made up words that a child may use to represent a word they can't pronounce)
- eg. 'ray ray' means raisins and 'moo moo' means cow
- Babbling
- (One word and constant vowel, syllable used as a word.
- eg. na = nana ma= mum da = dad
- (One word and constant vowel, syllable used as a word.
- Scaffolding
- the support given by caregivers through modelling how speech ought to take place in order to help language development
- Object Permeance
- an understanding that objects continue to exist when they cannot be seen or touched
- CDS Child Directed Speech
- the various ways in which a caregiver (unconsciously) adapts their speech to aid a child in lang. development
- Expansion
- when a caregiver might develop the child's utterance to make it more grammatically complete
- Recast
- the grammatically incorrect utterance of the child is spoken back to the child but in the correct form
- hypernym
- a more generic term that is connected to more specific word choices that are all in the same semantic field eg. fruit
- Virtuous errors
- grammatical errors that are undestandable
- Addition
- phonological error, the child adds a vowel to make final position easier eg. dog becomes doggie
- Framing
- controlling the agenda of the conversation or making utterances that encourage a child to fill in a blank
- Holophrase
- a single word representing a more complex thought eg. 'juice' used to signify 'i want juice' and 'up' to signify 'i want to go up'
- hyponym
- a more specific word within a category or under a hypernym eg. banana, apple, cherry, strawberry, orange
- Overextension
- the use of a given word in a broader context or applying a word to a wider collection of objects eg. calling all round objects an apple
- Proto Words (Made up words that a child may use to represent a word they can't pronounce)
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