CLA Theorists
- Created by: DanBish
- Created on: 03-05-22 13:20
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- CLA Theorists
- Bellugi
- Pronouns: 1) Name rather than pronoun, 2) Recognise there's a difference between subject and object pronouns, but unable to apply correctly, 3) Correctly apply subject and object pronouns
- Question: 1) Use rising inotation at 18 months, 2) Include wh- words between 2-3, 3) Use subject-verb inversion + auxiliary verbs from 3 up
- Negatives: 1) Use 'no' to make things negative at 18 months, 2) Use 'no' and 'not' in front of verbs between 2-3, 3) Standardised contraction use
- Rescorla -Found a link between later vocabulary development, and continued language issues as they got older - If child has fewer words in vocab at 2, could be a sign of other problems.
- Chomsky Nativism - Children have LAD which holds grammatical universes. All children around the world go through similar stages of development (support theory)
- Nelson - 4 patterns of early language. 1) Nouns - 60% 2) Verbs - 20% 3) Modifiers 12% 4) Social - 8%
- Vygotsky Socio-cultural Theory - Children using 'private speech' is vital as it shows they're thinking for themselves. MKO can direct the child to move within ZPD.
- Gleeson - Fathers tend to use more commands and teased children more and preferred them to mothers more. mothers tended to use less complex construction and more sensitive and responsive to children
- Skinner Behaviourism/Nurture - Children imitate the speech of others. Approval from caregiver encourages repetition of correct language. Positive consequences / rewards are motivational.
- Piaget Cognitive Theory - Children are active learners and can't articulate concepts they don't understand. Children's intelligence develops as they interact with the world around them.
- Halliday's 7 functions of speech - 1) Instrumental; to fulfil needs 2) Regulatory; influence behaviour of others 3) Interactional; to build social relationships 4) Personal; conveying opinions, ideas, identity 5) Representational; facts and information 6) Imaginative; creating an imaginary scenario 7) Heuristic; learn about their environment
- Brunner Social Interactionist Theory - 1) Gaining attention; getting child's attention 2) Querying; asking child a question 3) Labelling, telling child the answer 4) Feedback; responding to child 5) Scaffolding; gradually withdraw support
- Aitchison Stages of Linguistic Development - 1) Labelling; Linking words to objects 2) Packaging; What labels apply to 3) Network building - making connections between words, understanding similarities, differences and meanings
- Roger Brown - Analysed children's telegraphic utterances by the types of meaning relations that the children were expressing
- "Dad Kicks Ball" - Meaning relation = agent + action; word class = noun + verb; agent = dad, action = kick
- Bellugi
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