Sociology Education Revision

  • Created by: charl_w
  • Created on: 10-03-15 11:55
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  • Class differences in achievement (external factors)
    • Cultural deprivation
      • Different classes socialise their children differently and this many affect their achievement
      • Some w/c parents fail to tranmit the appropriate norms, values, attitudes, knowledge, skills etc- this is the 'right culture' for educational success.
      • Culture refers to the norms, values, beliefs, skills and knowledge that society regards as important.
        • This culture is transmitted to the next generation through socialisation
    • Material deprivation
      • Poor housing- overcrowding or cold and damp rooms means pupils have nowhere quiet to do homework.
      • Poor diet-can lead to illness, absesnces from school and lack of concentration in class due to hunger.
      • Low income-leads to: lack of educational materials. lack of correct uniform or latest fashion items. And not being able to afford university fees.
    • Cultural capital
      • Economic Capital- the weath that middle class families own.
      • Cultural capital- the attitudes, values, skills, knowledge of the middle class.
    • Speech Codes (Basil Bernstein 1975)
    • Working class subculture
      • Immediate gratification-wanting rewards now rather than being willing to make sacrifices and working hard for future rewards.
      • Fatalism- a belief that 'whatever will be, will be'. W/C children dont believe they can improve their position through individual efforts.
      • Low value on education- w/c class dont value education so dont try. w/c parents show less interest in kids education and give less support.
    • Intellectual stimulation
      • w/c parents are less likey to give children educational toys.
        • These stimulate their thinking and reasoning skills.
          • This then affects their intellectual development so when they start school they are at a disadvantagecompared to m/c kids.
  • Used mainly by the w/c
    • The restricted code
      • limited vocab and formed of simple sentences.
      • Less analytic and more descriptive.
        • Particularistic- assumes the listener shares the particular meaning so the speaker doesnt spell it out.
      • Speech Codes (Basil Bernstein 1975)
  • The elaborated code
    • Used mainly by the m/c.
    • This is more analytic, with a wide vocab and complex setences.
    • It is universaltic-speakers spell out their meanings explicitly.


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