Biology - Classification
Classification groups
Kingdoms of organisms.
- Created by: wright108
- Created on: 01-07-15 12:18
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- Classification
- Classification means grouping things by their features or characteristics
- Classification Groups - Keep Pond Clean Or Frogs Get Sick
- Kingdom
- Class
- Phylum
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
- Classification means grouping things by their features or characteristics
- Five Kingdoms of organisms
- Animalia
- Multicellular
- Have no cell walls
- No chlorophyll in cells
- Feed heterotrophic-ally
- Plantae
- Have cell walls
- Multicellular
- Have chlorophyll
- Feed autotrophically
- Fungi
- Multicellular
- Have cell walls
- No chlorophyll
- Feed saprophyticall-y (Digest food outside the body)
- Protoctista
- Mostly unicellular (Body is a single cell)
- Nucleus in cell
- Prokaryotae
- Animalia
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