Clausewitz and Stalingrad
- Created by: CAugust100
- Created on: 24-01-17 12:45
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- Clausewitz
- Concept of defence
- Pure defence is contrary to the idea of war
- Defence can only delay defeat
- It should be abandoned once a suitable balance of strength is present
- Defence should be more than merely passive
- Pure defence is contrary to the idea of war
- Advantages of defence
- It is easier to hold ground than take ground
- Time passing aids the defender
- Defensive positions can be established close to the lines of communication
- Fog of war
- "War is simple, but the simplest of things are complicated
- Clausewitz
- Unpredictable events will occur in war
- They can be overcome though
- However this will lead to friction and it will lower the armies ca[abilities
- If pushed too far, the army will become prone to exhaustion
- However this will lead to friction and it will lower the armies ca[abilities
- They can be overcome though
- "War is simple, but the simplest of things are complicated
- Culminating point
- An armies effectivenss diminishes day by day
- Friction can contribute to this
- The armies strength will then be only suitable for defence
- Moral and physical exhaustion will have occured
- Friction can contribute to this
- If this point is exceeded, the balance of strength swings to the defender
- Friction can contribute to this
- The armies strength will then be only suitable for defence
- Moral and physical exhaustion will have occured
- Friction can contribute to this
- An armies effectivenss diminishes day by day
- Centre of gravity
- The source of physical/moral strength for the enemy
- This is where all resources should be directed to
- Defeating this will defeat the enemy
- This is usually the capital city or army of a nation
- The source of physical/moral strength for the enemy
- Definition of war
- "War is thus an act of force to compel an enemy to our will"
- Clausewitz
- Clausewitz grew up in the age of reason
- He viewed war as a duel, but on a larger scale
- War must have a rationale underpin
- Clausewitz grew up in the age of reason
- "War is merely a continuation of policy by other means"
- Clausewitz
- Clausewitz grew up in the age of reason
- He viewed war as a duel, but on a larger scale
- War must have a rationale underpin
- Clausewitz grew up in the age of reason
- Clausewitz
- Clausewitz
- "War is thus an act of force to compel an enemy to our will"
- Stalingrad
- Objectives
- Destroy Russian moral by taking STALINgrad
- Take oil fields in the south
- Stalingrad was the centre for communications in the south
- Centre of gravity
- Russia
- STALINgrad
- Symbolic for Russians
- STALINgrad
- Germany
- General Paulus' 6th army
- Propaganda already states German win
- General Paulus' 6th army
- Russia
- Fog of war
- Winter
- Mud and rain made blitzkrieg harder to do
- Order 227
- Russians fought with added ferocity
- Hitlers refusal to retreat
- Paulus could have gotten out of being surrounded
- Winter
- Concept of defence
- Operation Uranus in planning since Sept 1942
- Shows how defence was abandoned when a favouralble balance of strength was present
- Zhukov was waiting for supplies
- Shows how defence was abandoned when a favouralble balance of strength was present
- There was no pure defence , Russians were pushing
- Operation Uranus in planning since Sept 1942
- Culminating point
- Operation Uranus November 1942
- Romanian lines broken in North and South
- Paulus became encircled
- Romanian lines broken in North and South
- Around 300,000 soldiers became trapped
- Needed 300 tonnes of supplies to survive (daily)
- Russians had air superiorty
- Paulus surrenders Jan 31st 1943
- Around 300,000 soldiers became trapped
- Needed 300 tonnes of supplies to survive (daily)
- Russians had air superiorty
- Paulus surrenders Jan 31st 1943
- Paulus surrenders Jan 31st 1943
- Russians had air superiorty
- Needed 300 tonnes of supplies to survive (daily)
- Around 300,000 soldiers became trapped
- Paulus surrenders Jan 31st 1943
- Russians had air superiorty
- Needed 300 tonnes of supplies to survive (daily)
- Hitler wouldn't allow retreat
- Operation Uranus November 1942
- Objectives
- Concept of defence
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