
let's do some sick *** revision.

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  • Clones
    • What are Clones?
      • Clones are Genetically Identical organisms.
    • nature makes clones...
      • by asexual reproduction
        • asexual reproduction means that there's only one parent, all of the parent's offspring are genetically identical.
          • so do plants (like strawberries and garlic)
          • bacteria reproduce asexually...
          • and a small number of animals can, too (like greenfly)
      • when the cells of an embryo split.
        • a single egg is fertilised by a sperm, but it splits into two. all twins are clones!
      • but science does too...
        • scientists can now make animals clones in labs- like dolly the sheep
          • the nucleus is removed
            • a nucleus from an adult donor is inserted in its place.
              • the egg is stimulated so that i starts to divide as a normal egg would.
                • the embryo is genetically identical to the parent cell.
  • scientists can now make animals clones in labs- like dolly the sheep
    • the nucleus is removed
      • a nucleus from an adult donor is inserted in its place.
        • the egg is stimulated so that i starts to divide as a normal egg would.
          • the embryo is genetically identical to the parent cell.


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