cloning plants
- Created by: riohobbisxx
- Created on: 11-03-17 15:08
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- cloning plants
- it is useful to produce genetically the same plant because they will have genetically the same features
- there is 2 types to clone plants
- by using plant stems
- or you can clone plants by tissue culture
- tissue culture
- has to be sterile to prevent bacteria infecting the plant
- method enables thousands of plants to be cloned
- plant is cloned by tiny pieces of plant tissue
- advantages
- many thousand of plants can be cloned from one plant
- mass production of growth
- disadvantage
- very expensive
- muations can be spread into all of them thousands of plants
- producing cuttings
- cut apart stem or sometimes a leaf(1)
- dip it in hormone root powder to stimulate root growth(2)
- put plant in soil(3)
- in a few weeks the same plant will have grown(4)
- advantages
- fast as plants develop
- mass of product growth
- disadvantage
- mutations can be spread when cloned
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