Coastal Recession
- Created by: eviedeehan
- Created on: 03-03-24 19:47
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- coastal retreat
- dredging
- removal of sediment for use in construction - linked to increased rates of coastal retreat
- dredging in California has had long term implications on the supply of sediment to the Santa Barbara littoral cell
- removal of sediment causes depth of ocean to increase
- increase in destructive waves at the coast bc they maintain energy further towards the shoreline
- removal of sediment for use in construction - linked to increased rates of coastal retreat
- subaerial processes
- weathering and mass movement can increase rate of recession
- long periods of rainfall weaken rock structure and leads to mass movement
- eroded and transported away by wave actions
- wind direction
- controls the movement of waves
- dominant waves means destructive waves to attack the coastline
- waves travel a long distance which is linked to the fetch of a wave
- tides
- gravitational pull - when the pull is at is strongest there are high tides
- high tides, increased rate of coastal recession increase as waves go further
- gravitational pull - when the pull is at is strongest there are high tides
- seasons
- winter - recession is greater than summer season due to stormy weather, with high tides and long wave fetch
- weather systems
- influenced by areas of high pressure creating anticyclones and low pressure creating depressions
- low pressure systems cause unsettled weather conditions
- influenced by areas of high pressure creating anticyclones and low pressure creating depressions
- dredging
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