Coenzymes involved in respiration
- Created by: Steff06
- Created on: 25-02-16 14:10
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- Coenzymes in respiration
- Why are they needed?
- Needed to help enzymes carry out oxidation reactions in respiration.
- NAD:
- An organic, non-protein molecule that helps to DEHYDROGENASE ENZYMES.
- Made of 2 linked nucleotides. When an NAD molecule has accepted 2 HYDROGEN atoms with their electrons, it is REDUCED.
- When it LOSES its electrons, it is OXIDISED. NAD operates during GLYCOLYSIS, the LINK REACTION, the KREBS CYCLE and during the anaerobic ethanol + lactate pathways.
- Function is to carry ETHANOATE (ACETATE) groups, made from PYRUVATE during the LINK REACTION to the KREBS CYCLE.
- Can also carry acetate groups that have been made from FATTY ACIDS or from some AMINO ACIDS onto the KREBS CYCLE.
- Why are they needed?
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