Cognitive approach
- Created by: princess adewale
- Created on: 08-01-17 12:23
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- Cognitive approach
- Assumptions
- The cognitive approach has two assumptions
- Internal processes can be studied in laboratories by interring with actions of the mind from behaviour seen
- The human mind works like a computer
- The approach focuses on internal processes of the mind
- It believes processes should be studied scientifically
- The role of schema
- Schema's a packets of information that we use to explain our world
- They come from experiences that we have faced to help us predict what is going to happen
- Computer models
- The cognitive approach has also used the development of computers to create computer models of mental processing
- The cognitive approach is very scientific because of the emphasis of controlled laboratory research of studying the mind
- The approach has been criticized to simplify human behaviour too much because it ignores the role of human emotions
- Assumptions
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