Cognitive Psychology - Introduction
- Created by: individdy0410
- Created on: 17-03-16 10:44
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- Cognitive Psychology
- Studies our mental processes, or, cognitions, including attention, perception, memory and thinking
- Information received from our senses is processed by the brain
- Untitled
- The processing of information directs how we behave
- Justifies how we behave the way that we do
- Cognitive processes are an example of hypothetical constructs
- We cannot directly see processes such as thinking but we can infer what a person is thinking based on how they act
- Influenced by developments in computer science - analogies made between how a computer works and how we process information
- Psychologists are interested in the way the brain inputs, stores and outputs information
- Information processing - the way that information is taken in my senses, analysed and then responded to
- Humans are more sophisticated than computers
- Criticism of cog. psych. - it ignores the way that other factors such as culture, past experiences and emotions affect how we process information
- Memory is a cognitive process
- Memory - the capacity to encode, store and retrieve information
- Learning could not take place without memory
- Memory is a three stage process - encoding, storage, retrieval
- Failure at any one of these stages could lead to forgetting
- Encoding - how information is initially processed so that it can be converted into a format that can be stored
- Storage - the maintenance of information without actively using it for a period after initial encoding
- Retrieval - the process of locating and extracting stored information so that it can be recalled
- Failure at any one of these stages could lead to forgetting
- Forgetting - the experience of not being able to recall information such as an event or another person's name
- Memory - the capacity to encode, store and retrieve information
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