Cold War (Beginnings)
- Created by: indiaday
- Created on: 17-05-23 09:05
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- Cold War Key Events (Early Stages)
- Wartime conferences
- Yalta
- Agreed that Germany and Berlin would be split into 4 zones of occupation
- Tehran
- Agreed that SU, USA and Britain would invade Japan once they had defeated Germany
- Potsdam
- They negotiated terms for the end of WW2
- Caused High Tension due to disagreement over Berlin
- Yalta
- Greek Civil War + Iron curtain speech
- Iron Curtain Speech
- Speech made by Winston Churchill declaring the separation between capitalism and communism in the east and west.
- Greek Civil War
- Britain alerted USA they could no longer afford to support the Greek civil war. So USA stepped in, for fear that communism would spread
- Iron Curtain Speech
- Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
- Truman Doctrine
- Military support for countries fighting communism
- Marshall Plan
- Monetary Aid for the countries around Russia fighting communism
- Caused the soviet response of Cominform and Comecon. Whilst also helping the Greeks win the civil war
- Truman Doctrine
- Berlin Blockade
- SU blocked all road, rail and canal access into Berlin, to prevent US forces from entering Berlin
- They believed Berlins hound be theirs because it was in their zone of occupation
- Berlin Airlift
- Every 3 mins a plane would arrive into Berlin and in total 369,347 tonnes of supplied were brought into Berlin
- Caused the removing of the blockade, but increased tension and led to the more permanent, Berlin Wall.
- Also caused the division of Germany into East and Wes, as well as the formation of NATO.
- Caused the removing of the blockade, but increased tension and led to the more permanent, Berlin Wall.
- Every 3 mins a plane would arrive into Berlin and in total 369,347 tonnes of supplied were brought into Berlin
- SU blocked all road, rail and canal access into Berlin, to prevent US forces from entering Berlin
- Wartime conferences
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