Cold War Stalemate
- Created by: lucyemmonds11
- Created on: 25-05-16 12:30
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- Cold War Stalemate
- A 'New Look'
- End of Korean War removed major source of tension.
- US Secretary of State, Dulles, favoured liberation.
- Massive retaliation: nuclear deterrent strategy.
- Eisenhower was conscious of the USSR's nuclear capability.
- US were not that forceful: Hungarian Revolution of 1956
- Peaceful Coexistence
- Firm grip must be maintained over eastern bloc satellite states.
- Prevention of rearmament of Germany (future threat).
- USSR must expand nuclear capability.
- Spending on military security to be reduced.
- Defuse international tension, not unnecessarily provoking the US.
- Austrian State Treaty
- Like Germany, Austria had been divided into occupation zones.
- Western leaders were concerned that eastern zones would be absorbed into the Soviet sphere of influence.
- Led to the withdrawal of all occupying powers -> declaration that Austria would be a neutral state.
- USSR also accepted Finland and Yugoslavia as neutral states.
- Showed series intent towards mutual cooperation and removed source of potential conflict.
- Following this, the West removed occupation forces from West Germany.
- Like Germany, Austria had been divided into occupation zones.
- A 'New Look'
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