Collapse of Liberal Italy 1915-1922
- Created by: louisec889
- Created on: 21-03-18 18:13
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- Collapse of Liberal Italy 1915-1922
- Political failures
- D'Annunzio occupies Fiume in 1920
- 300 factories occupied between Aug-Sept 1920
- 1917 Russian revolution
- Economic failures
- 2.5 million soldiers are demobilised
- 85 billion lire debt
- Fiat deindustrialises as Italian government decreases need for ammunition at the end of the war effort
- Liberal failures
- Transformismo corruption continues
- 6 governments collapse between 1918 and 1922
- PSI win 25 of 69 provincial seats
- WW1
- failure to reverse irridentism at 1919 Treaty of St Germaine
- failure at Caporetto 1917
- 650k casualties
- Political failures
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