Comedy in The Tempest
Comedy in The Tempest, please comment on more comedy in The Tempest!!!
- Created by: Sky
- Created on: 04-06-13 11:39
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- Comedy in 'The Tempest'
- Caliban hides from Trinculo under a cloak assuming he is a spirit.
- Comedy in 'The Tempest'
- Caliban curses Trinculo as he thinks that he calling him liar when really it is Ariel.
- Trinculo keeps moving away and they keep accusing him of speaking.
- Trinculo makes jokes when he sees Caliban hiding.
- He hides under the cloak when the storm begins again.
- Stephano gives Caliban some alcohol while Caliban is freaking out. Caliban thinks he is a spirit not just a drunken butler.
- Trinculo speak when under the cloak and Stephano is confused as the 'monster' had many legs and Trinculo's voice.n
- Stephano pulls Trinculo out.