A Servant of Two Masters- Key Scenes
- Created by: alicewilliams1
- Created on: 20-12-17 12:52
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- Act 2, scene 12
- Plot: Truffaldino has to serve both masters' dinner at the same time without making either master aware of the other.
- Why is it important: it demonstrates the struggles that Truffaldino faces because he has two masters, it's the first time both masters are seen on stage together
- Acts as a form of comic relief as the sequence of restaurant scenes follow the confrontation of Clarice and Silvio
- Ties up a minor storyline and fulfils Truffaldino's need for a meal allowing the audience's focus to be on the lovers
- Why is it important: it demonstrates the struggles that Truffaldino faces because he has two masters, it's the first time both masters are seen on stage together
- Characters: Truffaldino, First and Second Waiters, Florindo, Beatrice.
- First and Second Waiters are there as foil characters to Truffaldino to emphasise what a bad job he's doing.
- Stiff gait, straight posture, deliberate and controlled movements, propper attire for a restaurant- to contrast Truffaldino
- Truffaldino is there to create comedy through his mistakes.
- Beatrice and Florindo are there to spur Truffaldino's action which in turn creates comedy.
- First and Second Waiters are there as foil characters to Truffaldino to emphasise what a bad job he's doing.
- Comedy
- Comedy of Manners- comedy is created through Truffaldino's mockary of restaurant etiquette- typical of Commedia dell'Arte
- Slapstick comedy- Truffaldino's exaggerated physical movements and his buffoonery
- Food lazzi- tug of war between Truffaldino and the Waiter over the food
- Double entendre of spotted ****
- Quotes
- First Waiter- "that's your charcuterie (posh)... your meat plate, mate. (cockney)"
- Truffaldino- "give that to me"
- Truffaldino- "It can't really be **** can it?"
- Plot: Truffaldino has to serve both masters' dinner at the same time without making either master aware of the other.
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