Como Agua Para Chocolate: Esperanza Character Analysis
- Created by: C0gsworth87
- Created on: 14-03-20 10:15
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- Esperanza
- General Information
- Daughter of Pedro and Rosaura
- Spends a lot of time with Tita in the kitchen
- Marries Alex Brown
- Significance for Tita
- Like a daughter
- "Que orgullosa se sentía de ver Esperanza tan segura de sí misma" - cp. 12
- Represents innocence
- "De los pañales, ninguno" - cp. ?
- Tita lives vicariously through her, trying to gain for her the life she herself never had
- Like a daughter
- Victim
- Forbidden by mum to marry
- "la cruél tradición" - cp. 8
- Woman in patriarchal society
- All the important people in her life die
- Forbidden by mum to marry
- Power
- Marries Alex Brown
- Breaks the cycle of her family
- Gains a proper education
- "asistió a la mejora escuela, con el objeto de pulir su intelecto." - cp. 12
- General Information
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