Como Agua Para Chocolate: John Brown Character Analysis
- Created by: C0gsworth87
- Created on: 29-02-20 13:21
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- John Brown
- General Information
- White American
- Doctor
- Widower
- Loves Tita
- Gives her a choice - willing to let her go but also willing to take her back
- "quiero que pienses muy bien si ese hombre soy yo o no." JB - cp. 11
- Finds her attractive
- Proposes to her
- "John dio paso a la petición de mano." - cp. 8
- Able to be happy around her even after she chooses Pedro
- "Él estaba tan feliz que había uno de sus màs entusiastas colaboradores" - cp. 12
- Gives her a choice - willing to let her go but also willing to take her back
- Powerful
- Man in a patriarchal society
- Could destroy Tita's reputation
- Looks after Tita while she is very vulnerable
- "con un estambre que John le había comprado." - cp. 6
- Abuses his power by deceiving Tita
- "El doctor, por supuesto, omitó decirle a Tita que...haría brillar por la noche" - cp. 6
- Victim
- Cedes some of his power by giving Tita a choice
- "quiero que pienses muy bien si ese hombre soy yo o no." JB - cp. 11
- Loses two loves
- Cedes some of his power by giving Tita a choice
- Right choice for Tita
- Very caring
- "un estambre que John le había comprado" - cp. 6
- First person in Tita's life to offer her a choice
- "quiero que pienses muy bien si ese hombre soy yo o no." JB - cp. 11
- Could offer her stability and security
- "con un estambre que John le había comprado." - cp. 6
- Complete escape from the ranch
- Very caring
- Wrong choice for Tita
- Different cultural background
- Takes advantage of Tita's vulnerability
- "El doctor, por supuesto, omitó decirle a Tita que...haría brillar por la noche" - cp. 6
- Tita loved Pedro first and never really loved John
- "la pasión por tantos años contenida." - cp. 12
- John may just like Tita because she reminds him of his former wife
- General Information
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