Como Agua Para Chocolate: Nacha Character Analysis
- Created by: C0gsworth87
- Created on: 16-01-20 17:00
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- Nacha
- General Information
- Cook of the De la Garza family
- Old and deaf
- Dies clutching the photo of a loved one
- Relationship with Tita
- Acts as a second mother
- "su verdadera madre"
- Knows Tita very well
- "Nacha se dio cuenta de que Tita estaba mal" - cp.2
- Close friend and confidante
- "Nacha, al morir, la había dejado muy sola." - cp. 2
- Mentor
- "Tita su mudó a la cocina" - cp. 1
- Later visits her even after death to offer advice on Rosaura's birth
- Acts as a second mother
- Cooking
- Very talented
- "se las sabía de todas todas respecto a la cocina" - cp. 1
- Passes craft on to Tita
- Very talented
- General Information
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