Como Agua Para Chocolate: Pedro Character Analysis
- Created by: C0gsworth87
- Created on: 30-12-19 10:04
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- Pedro
- General Information
- From the village Piedras Negras
- Marries Rosaura after asking for Tita's hand
- Has two children, Roberto and Esperanza
- Has two children
- Roberto
- Esperanza
- Loves Tita
- Consents to her marriage with John
- "Pedro, como el hombre de la casa, dio su aprobación de una manera hosca." - cp. 8
- Confesses his love when they first meet
- "Señorita Tita...estoy profundamente enamorado de usted"
- Marries Rosaura to be with Tita
- "la única salida que le dejaran para estar cerca de ella" Pedro - cp.1
- Seems to treat her well when they are finally free to express their love
- "acariciarse y mirarse con infinita ternura" - cp. 12
- Consents to her marriage with John
- Is only physically attracted to Tita
- Seems to disregard her will
- "quisiera decirle que considero un lamentable error de su acepte ese matrimonio" Pedro - cp. 8
- Looks lustfully at her on regular occasions
- "sin poder quitarse la vista el uno del otro." - cp.3
- "Pedro bajó la vista y la clavó en los senos de Tita." - cp. 4
- "Maldita mirada de Pedro!" - cp.8
- Is almost violent towards her and seems to take her virginity without her consent
- "la jaló hacia donde estaba la cama de latón... y tirándola sobre la cama, la hizo perder su virginidad" - cp. 8
- Seems to disregard her will
- Misogynist
- Objectifies women
- "la jaló hacia donde estaba la cama de latón... y tirándola sobre la cama, la hizo perder su virginidad" - cp. 8
- Treats women as his property
- "quisiera decirle que considero un lamentable error de su acepte ese matrimonio" Pedro - cp. 8
- Makes no attempt to hide his disregard for Rosaura
- Objectifies women
- Powerful
- Exerts physical power over Tita
- "la jaló hacia donde estaba la cama de latón... y tirándola sobre la cama, la hizo perder su virginidad" - cp. 8
- Male
- It is Pedro of whom John must ask permission to marry Tita
- "Pedro, como el hombre de la casa, dio su aprobación de una manera hosca." - cp. 8
- Exerts physical power over Tita
- Powerless
- Can't stand up to Mamá Elena
- "Pedro se casaba...con Rosaura" - cp. 1
- Doesn't understand the concept of the inner fire
- "Seguramente Pedro había muerto en el momento del éxtasis al penetrar en el túnel luminoso." - cp. 12
- Can't protect Roberto or Esperanza
- "Pos el niño!" Chencha - cp. 5
- "la cruel tradición" - cp. 8
- Can't stand up to Mamá Elena
- General Information
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