Comparisons between Milgram (1963) and Meeus and Raaijimakers (1986)
The similarities and differences between Milgram and Meeus and Raaijmakers' studies of obedience.
- Created by: Athene
- Created on: 06-01-13 21:53
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- Comparing Milgram (1963) and Meeus and Raaijimakers (1986)
- Were both studies of obedience.
- M+R had higher ecological validity.
- M+R can be applied to real life situations.
- M+R used psychological harm. Milgram used physiological.
- Both used standardised procedures.
- Both replicable.
- Both used volunteer samples of male participants.
- Findings lack generalisability.
- M+R took place in Holland in the 1980s while Milgram took place in America in the 1960s.
- Both studies support Agency Theory (Milgram 1974)
- Verbal prods were applied by the experimenter in both studies.
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