Complaints Against Barristers
- Created by: Hayley Petts
- Created on: 16-01-13 17:24
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- Complaints Against Barristers
- reasons for complaints
- cannot sue for breach of contract
- unless through direct access
- can sue for negligence in respect of written advice
- Saif Ali v Sydney Mitchell and Co 1980
- can be sued for negligence inside and outside the court
- Halls v Simons 2000
- Inside - negligent advocacy
- cannot sue for breach of contract
- complaints to chamber made first
- Bar Standards Board
- sets out code of conduct with with Barristers should comply with
- can discipline anyone who breaches the code
- can order up to £15,000 compensation to be paid
- Legal Ombudsman
- now deals with complaints of poor barristers
- can order compensation to be paid up to £30,000
- if more serious transferred to Disciplinary Tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court
- Council of the Inns of Court
- disciplined if they fail to maintain the standards set out in the code of conduct
- Tribunal can suspend a Barrister from practice
- in extreme cases the Senate can disbar a barrister from practicing
- reasons for complaints
- Bar Standards Board
- sets out code of conduct with with Barristers should comply with
- can discipline anyone who breaches the code
- can order up to £15,000 compensation to be paid
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