Computer systems and Hardware

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  • Computer Systems and Hardware
    • What is a computer system?
      • A computer system is a machine that takes in inputs, processes the information and then outputs it.
      • It consists of hardware (physical parts of the computer) and software (programs run by a computer to run a certain task
      • Most computer system use operating systems to run their computers
    • Reliable and Robust
      • Reliable
        • Can do the same task over and over again without crashing and to expect the same result
        • For example you would not want to plug in a movie from a USB and realise that the movie is corrupt
        • Another example is that if you had a mobile phone app, you would expect the app to do the same thing over and over again in order to do the same task
      • Robust
        • Robust means that the computer is sturdy in construction
        • It should withstand lots of things like it shouldn't overheat much
    • Advances in computer technology
      • There will be less moving parts
      • Computers will be more efficiant
      • They will work quicker
    • HDD vs SSD
      • SSD
        • Based on flash technology which is faster because of the lack of moving parts
        • Expensive
        • Will still work if they are dropped
        • Compact
      • HDD
        • Based on a magnetic spinning disk which takes a while to warm up
        • Is relatively cheap for the data it can store
        • Could run slower if dropped
        • Bulky


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