Computer Systems

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  • Computer Systems
    • a system that is able to take a set of inputs, process them & create a set of outputs
      • done by a combination of hardware & software
    • role of an input is to provide data for further processing
      • consists of data or commands that are entered into the computer system by an input device
    • input
      • role of an input is to provide data for further processing
        • consists of data or commands that are entered into the computer system by an input device
      • examples of an input device are; keyboard, mouse, touchscreen, microphone
    • computer processing
      • central part of a computer system is processing
      • processing is the stage where input data is manipulated in order to produce meaningful information
    • computer output
      • stage where the information is presented in a hard copy
    • hardware
      • any part of the computer u can physically touch, pick up, move, hold etc.
      • physical parts that make up the computer
      • external hardware examples: monitor, printer, keyboard, mouse, microphone
      • internal hardware
        • examples: hard disk, CPU, motherboard
    • Software
      • applications & programming instructions that tell ur computer what to do
      • two main types of software
        • systems software - basically controls the way the  computer works and tells it what to do
        • application software
          • type of software u use to do work & have fun
    • computers come in many forms & often embedded in other devices e.g. mobiles
    • program is set of instructions that the computer carries out to process data
    • both programs & data can be stored & retrieved by he computer system
    • a computer system can change task by loading a different program


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