Computing half-term 1
- Created by: lizhikai01
- Created on: 17-10-19 11:00
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- Year 9 Computer Science
- ciphers
- Transposition
- Transposition cipher is a method of encryption by which the positions held by units of plain text .
- For example : "Lets go to the shops" would be "spohs eht ot og steL "
- Substitution
- A Substitution (Shift) cipher is where all the letters shift by a certain amount to become a different letter
- Key is the amount of times the letters are shifted
- Juleus Ceaser created the Ceaser cipher where the letters are shifted by a key of 3 .
- Plain text is just normal readable text .
- Cipher text is a piece of encrypted text
- Transposition
- Python
- Data types
- A real/float is a number with a decimal
- A string is any character that does no actions
- An integer is a whole number
- A Boolean is a variable of true and false values in python .
- A variable is a storage area in the memory of a computer given a label . The contents of the variable can be changed throughout a program
- print(" ? ") does what it says inside the code when you run it .
- input ("What do you want?") . This asks the person a question and the person needs to answer it.
- ...
- if,elif and else
- Loops
- while
- for
- Range
- Data types
- ciphers
- Substitution
- A Substitution (Shift) cipher is where all the letters shift by a certain amount to become a different letter
- Key is the amount of times the letters are shifted
- Juleus Ceaser created the Ceaser cipher where the letters are shifted by a key of 3 .
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