Conception,Birth and Infancy(0-2 years)
- Created by: 16cmullan
- Created on: 29-11-15 12:49
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- Conception, Birth and Infancy(0-2 Years)
- Physical Development
- Baby Reflexes
- Swimming/Diving
- Baby Reflexes
- Motor Skills
- Gross- Large movements,means that the infant can start to control the larger muscles in the body
- Sitting up,crawling,walking/Lifting head up lying on their front/Complete head control/crawling quickly
- Fine-Means that it is able to control the smaller muscles
- Manipulative movements with fingers-hand eye co-ordination/hands closed/grasping objects/holding small crayons
- Gross- Large movements,means that the infant can start to control the larger muscles in the body
- Physical Development
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