Conception,Birth and Infancy(0-2 years) cont...(3)
- Created by: 16cmullan
- Created on: 29-11-15 13:23
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- Conception, Birth and Infancy(0-2 Years)cont...
- Emotional Development
- Supported by a constant caregiver.Provides a firm feeling of stability and attatchment
- Bond-(first 6 months): The binding love a parent may feel for their child.Emotional connection
- Attachment- (7-12 months): The bonding process between an infant or child and its carer
- Understanding our own feelings/Learing to express them
- Examples:Cuddles/Smiling/Wiggling/Laughs when enjoying activities/Able to express their feelings
- Social Development(2 years)
- Solitary Play
- Playing alone,not able to think about others.Learning through exploring the surroundings
- Parallel play
- Play alongside others(Near them but not playing with them)The process of being able to share starts to develop.Leaning by imitating others
- Solitary Play
- Why is social and emotional development sometimes considered together?
- In terms of developing relationships, lots of emotions are involved.
- Egocentric- Where they only think the world only evolves around them
- Emotional Development
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