Concerto in D minor mov 1
- Created by: E.H13
- Created on: 14-04-18 18:53
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- Concerto in D minor mov. 1
- Texture
- Begins unaccompanied
- 2 part writing
- Canon, first at the beat, then at the bar
- Cello solo is homophonic
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello concerto in D minor
- Also uses a lot of imitation and canon
- Begins with just two solo cellos and continuo
- Structure
- 2 main sections
- Begins with 2 violins, then solo cello and continue
- Rhythm
- Simple triple time
- Continuous quavers
- Begins on the second quaver of the bar
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello concerto
- Also has continous quavers
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello concerto
- Running semiquaver passage in cello
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello concerto, which also has running semiquaver passages (e.g. bar 20)
- Melody
- Passed between the two violins, then to solo cello
- Triadic
- LINK to Presto from Summer by Vivaldi
- Ascending scalic melody line
- Scalic
- Forces
- Only uses solo instruments and continuo in this mov
- LINK to second mov of Vivaldi double cello concerto, which also only uses 2 soloists and continuo
- Unaccompanied into
- Virtuosic cello part
- Link to Vivaldi Double cello
- Only uses solo instruments and continuo in this mov
- Harmony and Tonality
- Circle of 5ths
- Tonic pedal passed between violins
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello (in literally ever way)
- D minor
- Remains entirely in the tonic key
- Texture
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