Conditions for life on Earth
- Created by: yaycharlie
- Created on: 23-01-14 00:43
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- Early conditions for life on Earth
- Water
- Physiological solvent
- Anomalous expansion on freezing
- Water
- Transport
- Water
- Physiological solvent
- Anomalous expansion on freezing
- Water
- Temperature range
- Early conditions for life on Earth
- Living organisms found within the range 0-40c
- Early conditions for life on Earth
- Above 0'c allowing liquid water to be present
- Temperature range
- Living organisms found within the range 0-40c
- Temperature range
- Thermophilic bacteria can withstand high temps (sometimes over 80c)
- Ambient Gases
- CO2 for photosynthesis and climate control
- Ambient Gases
- Ambient Gases
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