- Created by: Jo-Robertson
- Created on: 12-04-19 20:47
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- Confidence
- A belief in the ability to master a task
- A belief that one can succeed
- Self confidence
- An attitude to activity which boosts self worth or self belief
- Self efficacy
- A belief in the ability to master a specific sporting situation
- A situational form of self confidence
- Specific to a sport or activity
- State confidence
- Degree of confidence in a specific situation
- Trait confidence
- Innate and natural disposition
- Characteristics
- Risk taking
- Attributes success internally
- High effort and task persistence
- Positive emotions
- Calm and assertive
- Plays to win
- Concentration
- Bandura's model
- Suggested self efficacy is influenced by 4 key factors
- Performance accomplishments
- Past experiences
- Using positive past experiences to improve self efficacy
- Vicarious experiences
- Observing others being successful in the skill
- Experiences same feelings of mastery as if he/ she has performed successfully
- Similar age, ability, success
- Verbal persuasion
- Verbal encouragement
- Person giving the encouragement has to be of a higher status
- Increases self efficacy
- Verbal encouragement
- Emotional arousal
- Controlling arousal
- Arousal too high anxiety too high
- Leads to low self efficacy
- Arousal too high anxiety too high
- Controlling arousal
- Vealey's Model
- Specifically focusses on sports confidence
- Differs to Bandura's model as looks at how the performers own beliefs and personality affect confidence
- Trait Sport Confidence - also known as SC-Trait
- Personality traits relating to confidence in sports contexts generally
- State Sport Confidence - also known as SC-State
- Is the performers confidence in a particular sport context
- Determined by a combination of SC-Trait and competitive orientation
- Is the performers confidence in a particular sport context
- Competitive orientation is the extent to which the performer seeks and responds to competitive situations
- Performance relates to behavioural responses in the sport
- Outcomes or results
- Results of performance
- Perceived success
- Perceived attributions
- Performance satisfactions
- Positive outcomes increase trait confidence
- Positive results cause the type of goal to be changed for the next performance
- Trait Sport Confidence - also known as SC-Trait
- Differs to Bandura's model as looks at how the performers own beliefs and personality affect confidence
- Specifically focusses on sports confidence
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