The Geographical Basis of Conflict
Examples of types of conflict: territory, ideology, terrorism, insurrection, non-violent, nationalism, regionalism, localism, ethnicity, culture.
- Created by: Larissa
- Created on: 21-02-13 13:40
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- The Geographical Basis of Conflict
- WW1: Nationalism. 1914-1918. Europe. Resulted in the end of German, Russian, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, the formation of new countries in Europe and the middle east. >35 million causalties.
- Break up of Yugoslavia: Regionalism 1989-1992. Yugoslavia. Series of conflicts resulting in Yugoslavia breaking up to form Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
- Niger Delta: Localism. 2004-present. Conflict between foreign oil corporations and a number of the Niger Delta's minority ethnic groups who felt they were being exploited.
- Rwandan Genocide: Ethnicity 1994, for approx. 100 days. Conflict between the Tutsi and Hutu groups. Over 100 days, as much as 20% of the country's total population were killed following the assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents on April 6th.
- Deganga Riots, India: Culture. Sept 6th 2010. An Islamic mob resorted to arson and violence on the Hindu localities of Deganga. 100s of business establishments and residents were looted, destroyed and burnt. Dozens of people were injured. Several places of worship were desecrated and vandalised. The army was deployed to end the violence.
- Kashmir Conflict & Indo-Pakistani Wars: Territory. 1947, 1965 and 1995. A longstanding territorial dispute between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir region.
- The Cold War: Ideology. 1947-1991. A military stand-off between Capitalist USA and Communist Russia.
- 9/11 Attacks: Terrorism. Sept 11th 2001. Terrorists from al-Quaeda hi-jacked 4 planes and intentionally crashed them into buildings, eg the Twin Towers, NY. Over 2996 deaths and over 6000 people injured.
- Egyptian Revolution: Insurrection. 2011. Began as a campaign of non-violent civil resistance, millions of protesters demanded the overthrow of the president through demonstations, marches and acts of civil disobedience. Included violent clashes between security forces and protesters, resulting in 864 deaths and 6000 injured.
- Burmese Anti-government protests: Non-violent. August 2007. Students and opposition political activists demonstrated against the government's plans to remove fuel subsidies which would cause a 66% increase in fuel prices.
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