Conformity to social roles
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 18-04-19 09:44
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- Conformity to social roles (Zimbardo)
- The parts that we play as members of a social group or society in order to meet the expectations of the situation
- Aim
- To invesitgate the extent to which people would conform to their social roles
- Procedure
- Volunteer sample of male students who took on roles as guards or prisoners
- Prisoners wore numbered smocks, nylon caps, chains around ankles
- Guards wore khaki uniforms, reflective sunglasses and carried handcuffs, keys and truncheons
- Results
- Prisoners developed huge fits of rage, stress and anxiety
- De-individuation; prisoners started to referring themselves as numbers instead of names
- Stopped at 6 days instead of 14
- Evaluation
- Practical applications; changed operations in US prisons
- Ethical concerns; informed consent, protection from harm, distress
- Helped to introduce ethical guidelines
- Researcher bias; Zimbardo's double role as experimenter and prison boss
- Gender bias and lacks population validity and thus, can't generalise
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