Conformity Mindmap
- Created by: Lucy Hodgson
- Created on: 05-06-13 10:18
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- Conformity.
- Defined as changing behaviour to be accepted and not rejected.
- Asch's study.
- Participants were asked to look a line on a board and determine the length of it.
- All members of the experiment but one were confederates. They were all told to give a wrong answer and agree with all other confederates.
- The non-confederate conformed so as not to be rejected, even when the people gave a wrong answer were seen to have poor eyesight.
- Asch then introduced an ally for the participant which gave him more of a reason to not conform. He also asked the participant to write down his answers, making him not conform again.
- Asch's study was unethical as the participant was deceived and did know that they were the only one not in on the experiment. Also, it does not have a high level of ecological validity as in everyday life, you would not measure a line to see if you would conform.
- Explaining conformity.
- Normative Social Influence.
- Only wanted to be accepted in a group.
- Informative Social Influence.
- This is usually present in unfamiliar situations where the individual seeks advice and help,
- Normative Social Influence.
- Types of conformity.
- Compliance.
- This is where you just change in front of a group, but not internalise it.
- Only changing your behaviour at face value, but not really believing it like internalised people would.
- Internalisation
- This is where you fully change everything about you to be what you need to be so you can be accepted.
- You change it not only in public but away from the group too - it becomes your life.
- Compliance.
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