Congress of Vienna issues
- Created by: bia_changat
- Created on: 16-04-19 15:49
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- Problems dealt with at the Congress of Vienna
- France - creating strong buffer states around it (Cordon Sanitaire)
- Belgium (old Austrian Netherlands) and Holland (the old United Provinces) = the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, under the Dutch king
- frontier to be reinforced by restoration of old 'barrier' fortresses
- Luxembourg to have a Prussian garrison
- Prussian territory to be extended on the left bank of the Rhine and into the old Napoleonic kingdom of Westphalia, along the lower/middle Rhine
- Bavaria and Baden strengthened
- Prussia = protector of Germany; able to support king of Netherlands if necessary
- Swiss Confederation of 22 cantons to be recognised by all Great Powers incl. France
- Italy: formerly independent Republic of Genoa to be incorporated into Kingdom of P-S to strengthen border with France
- east of Piedmont: Lombardy to be controlled by Austria (= military back-up)
- Belgium (old Austrian Netherlands) and Holland (the old United Provinces) = the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, under the Dutch king
- Ensuring the security of Italy and Germany
- the powers were determined to break up Napoleon's French influence on Italy, so broke it up into smaller states, like they had been pre-Napoleon
- Austria acquired Lombardy and Venetia to make up for loss of the Austrian Netherlands
- provided strong Austrian influence behind the enlarged Piedmont-Sardinia
- restoration of the Habsburgs' related rulers in Parma, Modena, Tuscany
- established Austrian influence
- Pope restored to the Papal states with Austrian troops
- old Holy Roman Empire (360 states) not re-established: replaced by loose union of 38 states --> German Confederation
- hoped this could resist attack effectively
- included most of Prussia, German Austria, Kingdom of Bohemia
- Poland and Saxony
- large section of Galicia retained by Austria
- Prussia got Posen, 2/5 of Saxony (40% of population, 60% of land) and large section of Rhineland and Pomerania
- didn't consider latter worth having: Rhineland was industrially advanced, so later provided wealth for German empire
- Metternich had been unhappy about Russo-Prussian Kalisch treaty in 1813 (wanted Austrian control over Germany, fearing Russian expansion)
- however: Russian troops in both Saxony and Poland at the end of the wars
- Russia wanted Poland to become a strong satellite state and promised to give Prussia Saxony
- Russia gains most of Poland ('Congress Poland' - own constitution, but satellite ruled by Tsar)
- Russia wanted Poland to become a strong satellite state and promised to give Prussia Saxony
- Castlereagh was also suspicious of the Tsar: tried to persuade Prussia to say no to Saxony
- Tsar: realised he had to compromise, negotiated with Castlereagh
- however: Russian troops in both Saxony and Poland at the end of the wars
- Russia gains most of Poland ('Congress Poland' - own constitution, but satellite ruled by Tsar)
- Other
- Habsburg empire expanded by absorption of previously independent territories
- Archbishopric of Salzburg
- Austria acquired Illyrian provinces, formerly of the Venetian republic
- Britain expanded its empire
- Ionian islands in the Adriatic (formerly part of Venetian Republic)
- retained Tobago and St Lucia (from France) and Trinidad (Spain)
- formed British Guiana from 3 former Dutch colonies
- Cape Colony in Africa (formerly Dutch)
- gained Mauritius (previously French)
- kept former Dutch Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
- paid Holland £6m for Ceylon and £2m for Cape - money earmarked for construction of barrier fortresses on Belgian/French border)
- took Heiligoland (Denmark)
- Sweden acquired Norway from Denmark (previously loyal to Napoleon) - compensation for loss of Finland to Russia
- navigation of rivers flowing through multiple countries declared open to commerce of all nations; no increase in duties
- slave trade
- France promised to prohibit
- Spain and Portugal accepted cash sums to abandon it by 1820
- Habsburg empire expanded by absorption of previously independent territories
- France - creating strong buffer states around it (Cordon Sanitaire)
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