Congress 4C
- Created by: Rachel
- Created on: 28-04-14 18:08
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- Congress
- Stucture
- Bicameral
- HOR: 435 proportional to population
- SEN: 100, 2 per state
- Powers
- HOR: initiate money bills, elect pres when EC deadlock, impeach
- SEN: try impeached, elect VP when ECDead, ratify treaties, confirm apps
- JNT: pass leg', con amendments, declare war, confirm new vp's
- senate more powerful?
- 1/100, represent entire state
- more likely to be pres or VP running mate,
- longer term- 6 not 2
- leadership more likely
- exclusive powers
- NO
- same salary
- both needed to pass legislation AND amendments
- Filibuster and need of super majority = presidents leg' focused on senate
- Distribution of Power
- Speaker - chairs debates, enforces rules, refers bills, appoints select & HR committee
- MAJ/MIN LEADERS- director of ops, liase between House & sen,
- Committes
- House Rules- prioritise bills
- Conference- reconcile differences between 2 versions of bills from both houses
- select- investigation
- Standing- permanent policy specialists
- Voting
- Political Party
- Parties are less centralised, no incentive for party unity-'S&C', constituents control candidate selection, accountablity- house elections every 2 years
- Constituents
- The Admin
- Pressure Groups
- Political Party
- Stucture
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