Consequences of Crime
- Created by: Andreana20015
- Created on: 17-10-22 18:03
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- Consequences of Crime
- The Ripple Effect
- This is when the effects of a crime spread beyond the victim into their friends, family and community
- Eg., Abusers and their victims
- Eg., The Philpot murders effected the community.
- Cultural Consequences
- When a crime becomes a natural consequence of a culture shift an becomes normalised.
- Kristy Bambu
- A 15 year old boy killed by witchcraft by family where exorcism was normalised in republic of Congo
- He was tortured for days and then drowned during an exorcism
- Negative consequence as it lead to the murder of a child and people try to hide behind beliefs, rites and customs
- Decriminalisation
- When the police cannot control an unsevere act and chose to decriminalise or it is normalised and not viewed as a crime
- Cannabis use, underage drinking, illegal downloads, prostitution, drug use , prostitution, etc
- This is a positive consequence as Portugal have the lowest overdose death rates. Uk 1/3 of all over does deaths in Europe 100x more then Portugal
- Unrecorded Crime
- When police are recorded a crime but do not record it therefore it is not included in any stats
- Unwitnessed crime, unreported crime, witnessed but not reported and left out of stats
- Negatives as victims don't get heard, positive as don't waste police resources
- Police Prioritisation
- Crimes that are viewed as more severe and require police time and resources this differs across areas and time periods
- Ron Hog (2015) police and crime commissioner of Durham declared the police will no longer persue smokers and small scale cannabis growers
- This is a negative consequence as some illegal acts will go unpunished and increase. This can be positive as money can be focused on serious crimes
- Procedural Change
- The system of reporting crimes have developed and changed over the years
- 999 new and quick, victim support groups, crime stoppers, specialised police teams, apps and pressing the power button on your phone quickly.
- This is positive as people are more likely to now report crimes and it is quicker.
- Legal Change
- Crimes goes unreported for a long time due to social attitudes changing, usually crimes that are human rights.
- 2007 smoking in enclosed spaces is illegal, 2015 same-sex marriage is legal
- This is positive as laws change with social attitudes. This can be negative as over reported crimes look more widespread leading to harsher sanctions
- Cultural Change
- Wilson and Kelling- Broken Window thesis- unreported crimes cause more crime. Delinquent behaviour is more prevalent in uncared for areas
- This is negative as it creates an criminal environment. This can be positive as it concentrates crime.
- The Ripple Effect
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