Consequences of 'The Great Terror'
A mindmap of the Consequences of the war
hope this is useful :)
- Created by: Dracupine
- Created on: 04-04-13 17:58
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- Consequences of 'The Great Terror'
- Political Impact
- To divert people from economic problems, shortages, hard work & strict discipline
- Show Trials targeted Gov. employees, party officials & factory managers
- Kazan tried for misusing Gov. funding. (luxury lifestyle) However, these had been rewards given to him by Gov.
- Encouraged 'little people' to hold their boss's to account
- Show Trials targeted Gov. employees, party officials & factory managers
- kamanev , Zinoviev & Bukharin were all exposed as traitors who had worked for foreign Gov.
- Local level provided scapegoats for popular discontent as well as drama in otherwise mundane lives of sweet citizens.
- To divert people from economic problems, shortages, hard work & strict discipline
- Economic Impact
- Great Terror designated to boost economic production by eradicating 'wreckers'
- Impossible to plan effectively as truth distorted
- Wreaked economic havoc
- Many compelled to lie of economic facts to avoid arrests & execution
- 2nd Purge eliminated many of Russia's most experienced economic planners & many competent industrial managers
- Alec Nove
- Relative failure of 3rd Five-Year Plan was a direct result of the Great Terror
- "Swept away managers, technicians, staticians and planners, leading to a shortage of trained workers"
- Impact of the Ukranian Donbas incident was repeated throughout russia, causing economy to worsen
- Donbas region created 77% of Russia's production of coal
- 1/4 management purged
- Doubled. 1928-1932 & 1932-1936 BUT barley grew from the beginning of The Great terror
- Great Terror designated to boost economic production by eradicating 'wreckers'
- Social Impact
- Former oppositionists current leadership of Communist party: NKVD & army
- 35,000 officers exiled or shot
- 1935: Members of Leningrad Party & Bourgeois specialists purged
- Yagoda convicted over 1/2 million people
- 2,300 shot
- 405,000 sent to prisons
- Many created new identities (Kulaks, priests, former NEP men or previous nobility)
- Vladmir Gromov: sentenced to 10 years in Gulags as impersonalised prize-winning architect for 1 million roubles advance for building project
- Young members of party interviewed & would 'unmask' those Russia trade Union.
- Election lasted weeks
- required detailed biographical info. cross-examined concerning their real class identity & their service to party many labelled 'enemies of the people'
- Committee's of 800 members attended meetings every evening for months to decide who to elect
- "Yezhov Bloodbath"
- 10% adult males executed or sent to labour camps
- Age 30-45 at most risk in managerial or professional positions
- Affected urban & educated population more than manual workers or peasants
- 5% of all those arrested female
- Most single or relatives of men who had been purged
- 10% adult males executed or sent to labour camps
- Workers from local runner factory accused management of malpractice of local trails, heavily publicised
- Sometimes whole factory would be at the trial to watch former boss's publicly humiliated.
- Management scapegoats for problems & sacked for being 'wreckers'. Turned over to the NKVD
- Descriminated against nationality
- 1.5 million arrested by NKVD
- 635,000 exiled
- 680,000 shot
- Specific targets for numbers of Poles, Romanians & Latvians
- 1.5 million arrested by NKVD
- Mostly wives not considered threats as they believed their husbands were innocent
- Party wives threat of arrest. Wives of 'enemy' only lost their job
- Once husband arrested found wive's petitioned for them back. Ended with ques of people outside Gov. buildings (rivalled previous show ques)
- Former oppositionists current leadership of Communist party: NKVD & army
- Political Impact
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