Unit 1: Legal Protection (Conservation Methods)
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?- Created by: rosieevie
- Created on: 17-04-14 12:44
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- Conservation Methods - Legal Protection
- Wildlife + Countryside Act (1981/84) - UK law protecting certain species and habitats
- SSIs - assigned to protect habitats
- Illegalising of the harm of wild fauna and flora
- Uprooting of wild plants is illegal
- Harming wild birds or their nests is mostly illegal
- NNRs, SPAs, SACs, MNRs SSIs - restrict activities to protect communities of species
- Ramsar Sites - wetland sites designated to protect the biodiversity
- International Whaling Commission(IWC) - organisation aiming to create sustainable whaling
- Designates whale sanctuaries
- Setting limits on size and number killed
- Completely protecting some species
- Common Fisheries Policy - EU policy ensures sustainable exploitation of fish resources
- Failed due to inability to set appropriate quotas
- Wildlife + Countryside Act (1981/84) - UK law protecting certain species and habitats
- Ramsar Sites - wetland sites designated to protect the biodiversity
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