LCW conservatism Hodg
- Created by: Eyesight
- Created on: 17-05-18 08:56
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- Conservatism
- Traditional / toryism
- 19th century
- One nation
- Disraeli 1860s -1979
- Harold Macmillan
- Disraeli 1860s -1979
- Reaction to French Revolution
- Organic theory of state and society
- Some more important than others
- Human nature
- Private property
- Tradition
- Allows rootedness
- Pragmatism
- Ship of state - common sense - tradition
- Paternalism
- Human imperfection - strong guidance - noblesse oblige
- Benign - natural governors - oakeshott
- Oakeshott
- Anti- egalitarian welfarism
- All agree
- Property
- Hierarchy
- Tory + One nation - organic, static, class
- Law and order
- Christian family values
- Traditional / toryism
- Edmund Burke
- Reaction to French Revolution
- One nation
- Disraeli 1860s -1979
- Harold Macmillan
- Disraeli 1860s -1979
- New right -Thatcher
- Neoliberalism
- reactionary and radical thinking - not pragmatic
- Principle not pragmatic
- Laissez-faire
- Neoconservatism
- Organistic/ collectivist
- Natural hierarchy
- Authority
- Mistrusts human reason
- Reactionary
- Looking back to a 'golden age'
- Illiberal
- Adam smith negative economic freedom - free market
- New right paradox
- Conservatism
- Traditional / toryism
- 19th century
- Organic theory of state and society
- Some more important than others
- Human nature
- Private property
- Tradition
- Allows rootedness
- Pragmatism
- Ship of state - common sense - tradition
- Paternalism
- Human imperfection - strong guidance - noblesse oblige
- Benign - natural governors - oakeshott
- Oakeshott
- Anti- egalitarian welfarism
- All agree
- Property
- Hierarchy
- Tory + One nation - organic, static, class
- Law and order
- Christian family values
- Traditional / toryism
- Neoliberalism
- Psychological, moral, intellectual imperfect
- Too complex, seek rootedness,
- Hierarchy and authority
- Human imperfection - stability - security
- Static stable - not based on ability - Oakeshott
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