Conservatism: Key Thinkers
- Created by: teezealand
- Created on: 06-04-19 13:49
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- Conservatism: Key Thinkers
- Edmund Burke
- Human Nature
- pragmatic of human nature
- State
- government prevent evil but struggle to do promote good
- Society
- believed that wisdom lied in tradition, e.g family
- organic society is important
- Economy
- believes in a free market because of 'natural law'
- Human Nature
- Thomas Hobbes
- Human Nature
- humans are needy, vulnerable and easily led astray in attempts to understand the world around them
- critical of the divine right of kings
- State
- argued for almost total obedience to absolute government, as the only alternative was chaos (rationalising authoritarianism)
- Society
- believed in the social contract theory
- ordered society and balanced free living
- Human Nature
- Michael Oakeshott
- Human Nature
- human imperfections
- should be guided by pragmatism rather than idealism
- State
- state should be guided by tradition
- Society
- modern society is too impractical and complex
- Economy
- free markets are volatile so state must intervene
- Human Nature
- Ayn Rand
- Human Nature
- human imperfection
- rational self-interest
- atomism
- State
- minimal state intervention
- Society
- highest aim should be one's own happiness
- society is broken down into individuals
- Economy
- laissez-faire capitalism
- Human Nature
- Robert Nozick
- Human Nature
- some optimism towards human nature
- State
- no welfare state but a minimal state
- property rights should be upheld
- taxation is immoral so keep it minimal
- Society
- believed in individualism
- Economy
- humans aren't resources
- Human Nature
- Edmund Burke
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