Unit 1 topic 2 Party polices and Ideas; the conservatives.
- Created by: Alicia
- Created on: 16-05-13 11:49
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- Conservatism.
- Traditional conservatives
- An idealogy on conserving
- 'one nation' developed in the 50's/60's
- Pragmatic and paternalistic.
- Conservatism.
- Traddtional polices
- defend home owners
- oppose change
- Under David
- Modernizing candidate.
- Need to re-assess the relationship with thaterism
- Compared himself to Tony Blair
- His Party polices
- A more green agenda
- Raise threshold of inheritance tax
- Maintaining levels of spending on public services
- Emphasis on families
- threatened to withdraw benifits to those who make no effort to gain jobs
- Modernizing candidate.
- Thatcherism
- Economic thatcher
- Removed restrictions and controls on the economy
- Eg: Finaical markets were deregulated
- changed the tax burden form direct to indirect
- Laws restricted the unions.
- Privatised industries
- Rugged indiviulism
- Removed restrictions and controls on the economy
- Social thatcher
- Strengthening national identity
- Oppotision to Eu intergration
- family values were defended
- Maintaing order through fear of punishment
- Strengthening national identity
- Economic thatcher
- Gov exert a fatherly approach
- 'one nation' developed in the 50's/60's
- Pragmatic and paternalistic.
- 'one nation' developed in the 50's/60's
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