- Created by: Tom Bagshaw
- Created on: 25-11-12 17:15
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- Conservatism
- Origins
- In reaction to liberalism in order to protect the monarchy
- They were the landed Gentry - Aristocrats
- Opposed the ideals and principles of the French revolution
- Burke "change in order to preserve" defended the existing political order
- The aristocracy needs to change in order to stay in charge
- Core Themes
- Property
- Property creates order as it encourages people to respect others possesions
- Conservatives see that property allows social values to pass down generations
- People seek security, having private property is reassuring
- Tradition
- Association with conservatives faith and religion. Things exist because god wanted the too.
- Gives a sense of identity which promotes social security
- Wisdom of the past, institutions have worked in the past so are likely to work in the future e.g. the church
- Hierarchy and Authority
- Believe in strong leadership and discipline
- Liberals believe the state gets its power from the social contract
- Believe iinequality is natural and believe in natural aristocracy
- Human Imperfection
- conservatives make pragmatic change based in history and tradition
- Oakshott - "the cure is worse than the disease"
- Justifies strong law and order
- Human beings are psychologically limited and dependant creatures
- Organic Society
- humans are social creatures
- is as much about responsibility and obligations as it is about enjoying ones individuality
- Property
- Types
- Authoritarian
- Paternalistic Conservatism
- Christian Democracy
- Libertarian Conservatism
- One nation
- Origins
- New Right
- Types
- Authoritarian
- Paternalistic Conservatism
- Christian Democracy
- Libertarian Conservatism
- One nation
- Types
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