Conservative Government: Leaders of the Political Party (1951-64)
- Created by: mariam26
- Created on: 16-06-20 17:00
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- Conservative Government: The Political Leaders (1951-64)
- Winston Churchill
- In office from 1951-55
- Went to Harrow
- Grandson of the 7th Duke of Marlborough
- 76 years of age when he came into office
- Rationing ends in his term
- Anthony Eden
- In office from 1955-57
- Went to Eton
- Responsible for the Suez Crisis
- During his term, Britain had a very low unemployment rate
- Harold Macmillan
- In office from 1957-63
- Went to Eton
- Had no desire to reverse most of the the reforms enacted by Labour governments of 1945-51
- From a humble background (married into aristocracy)
- Took his party further to the left than any other Conservative leader in history
- Alec Douglas-Home
- More right-wing than previous 3 Prime Ministers
- Went to Eton
- Genuinely aristocratic (began his premiership as 14th Earl of Home)
- In office from 1963-64
- Winston Churchill
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