Contemporary Urbanisation
- Created by: Labake
- Created on: 14-04-15 12:05
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- Contemporary Urbanisation Processes
- Urbanisation
- Increase in percentage of country living in towns and cities
- Urbanisation level = the current % of people in a country living in towns and cities
- Urbanisation rate= the speed at which a country is urbanising
- Causes of urbanisation
- Rural to urban migration
- Characteristics= initially short term, small town first the larger city, young adults
- Rural to urban migration in Mumbai
- Causes
- Social
- Migrants for natural disasters move to city after losing homes
- Better medical and healthcare- lower infant mortality
- Escaping rigid caste system in rural areas of India and arranged marriages
- Environmental
- Large pop. growth in rural areas put pressure on environ. (overcropping and overgrazing)
- Economic
- Wages in Mumbai 6 times higher than in rural areas
- Mumbai attracts foreign investment
- Land fragmentation makes rural living more difficult
- Mechanisation of agriculture putting rural farmers out of business
- Social
- Effects
- Social
- Lack of sanitation- 600 people to 1 toilet in Dharavi
- Easy spread of disease- 4000 cases of typhoid diagnosed a day
- High crime rates
- Economic
- Informal- no tax- jobs earning 20p to £30 a month
- Council has no tax money for improvement of Dharavi
- Small industry businesses e.g. charcoal makers- illegal renting
- Council has no tax money for improvement of Dharavi
- Informal- no tax- jobs earning 20p to £30 a month
- Environmental
- Contamination of River Mithi with chemical/ animal waste
- Increased road traffic- 60% of Mumbai have breathing problems
- Social
- Causes
- Natural Increase
- Countryside migrants = large families + no contraception
- Longevity
- Better medical care, diets, leisure and higher life expectancies
- Rural to urban migration
- Management
- Availability of work, water, sanitation and shelter
- Economic
- Slum tours and soft loans from NGO's
- Unpredictable tourism e.g. conflict
- Slum tours and soft loans from NGO's
- Environmental
- Buffer ecozone around 20m of River Mithi
- Need to remove present waste first
- Buffer ecozone around 20m of River Mithi
- Social
- Government resettlement into housing- better facilities
- Affordability- location from work?
- Government resettlement into housing- better facilities
- Economic
- Hazards, toxic waste and water, air and noise pollution
- Social
- Public transport provision
- Affordibility and no council money to provide
- Public transport provision
- Environmental
- Clearance and removal of slums
- Abandoned displaced people
- Clearance and removal of slums
- Social
- Availability of work, water, sanitation and shelter
- Sub-urbanisation
- Movement of population, employment and services from inner city to outskirts of town
- Physical expansion of towns and cities
- Swallows up surrounding villages
- Causes
- Better quality of life- less pollution, congestion, crime and better schools
- Car ownership and transport improvements
- Council and Private suburban estates, easier mortgage access and cheap build materials
- Industry in suburban estates
- Example
- Bolton: Middlebrook on urban fringe
- Retail, cinema, football
- Newly developed housing
- More expensive housing
- Increased levels of traffic and management of rail link
- Hard and soft engineering as less interception and infiltration
- Management by channeling river
- Bolton: Middlebrook on urban fringe
- Effects on Middlebrook
- New jobs and facilities
- Easier commuting
- Increases in trade and economy
- Visual, air and noise pollution
- Increase in council taxes
- Effects on Inner Bolton city centre
- Decrease in customers and increase in un-employment
- Social segregation- marginalised poorer population
- Multiple deprivation in Crompton- failing schools as a result
- Movement of population, employment and services from inner city to outskirts of town
- Counter-urbanisation
- Movement of population from large cities to smaller towns
- Jumping over greenbelt area
- Characteristics
- Middle class families-(or retired) -expensive housing- safer environment
- Young people recruited by high tech companies in rural science parks
- Ecotowns- companies in rural areas- staff follow and move- planning controls lifted by gov
- Examples
- Parbold
- Wealthy- West Lancashire
- Young people leaving for education and employment
- Decline of village born locals- death
- In migration of young rich families
- Quiet, relaxed, safer, attractive, property will increase in value
- More trade, more jobs, maintain demand for services, more tax collection
- Buckshaw Village
- West Lancashire, growing from 4000, self sufficient
- Built on brownfield site
- Public transport for sustainalbility
- No social exclusion- mixed price housing
- Parbold
- Re-urbanisation
- Movement of people and investment BACK into towns and cities
- Gentrification
- Individually led urban development e.g. Brick Lane 1980s
- Taking advantage of cheap low income housing
- Bad social effects on initial residents- driven out by high resource and house prices
- Refusal to live in high price CBD or family suburban area far from CBD
- Can reach work, leisure, retail and culture and have city lifestyle
- Taking advantage of cheap low income housing
- Individually led urban development e.g. Brick Lane 1980s
- Regeneration
- Poor areas after de-industrialisation
- Public and private investment to improve environment
- Attracted investment form property, finance, leisure and retail
- London Docklands inner city east end
- Attracted investment form property, finance, leisure and retail
- Public and private investment to improve environment
- Poor areas after de-industrialisation
- Student-ification
- City centre universities attract students e.g. UCL then find local work in city
- Immigration
- 1995-2005 brought 5 million people to inner cities and high birth rates (cultural beliefs)
- Effects of Re-urbanisation in London
- Property Led regeneration, in Docklands
- £7 billion is private investment + new employment
- Light railway build for faster travel to London city
- No jobs for poorer unemployed in Docklands- less skills
- Refurbish old dirty buildings and new usage
- Gentrification in Brick Lane-
- Individual led renova.- local council= street furniture and recreation areas
- New businesses + more taxes to local council fo area imporvement
- Demand for lower paid house jobs e.g. painters, builders
- Lower income can't afford services- initial busi. priced out
- Skills mismatch for new jobs - unemployment still high
- Property Led regeneration, in Docklands
- Planning and management issues
- Regeneration
- London Docklands Development corp. 1980's
- Quangos bypass plan restr. Cnary Wharf £7billion invest.
- Skills mismatch = IT training and affordable housing
- Light railway and Olympics afford. housing changed from 75% to 35%
- Gentrification
- Gentrification in Brick Lane-
- Individual led renova.- local council= street furniture and recreation areas
- New businesses + more taxes to local council fo area imporvement
- Demand for lower paid house jobs e.g. painters, builders
- Lower income can't afford services- initial busi. priced out
- Skills mismatch for new jobs - unemployment still high
- Gentrification in Brick Lane-
- Regeneration
- Urbanisation